Helping over 30,000 ICE members, former members and their families
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The beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic was a difficult time for me and my wife
I was out of work from January 2020. Although I had interviews lined up, they were all postponed due to the pandemic. I wasn’t sure what I should do.
I had never sought any government benefits before, so I had no idea how to apply or how much I was entitled to. I was aware of the ICE Benevolent Fund but did not know how they could help.
*The image used in this case is a representation of our beneficiary to retain his privacy (photo by SewCream on Shutterstock)

When my son, Eric, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, I didn’t know where we could go to get help
Like many ICE members, Jim contributes to the Ben Fund each year with an annual voluntary donation but when his family faced their own financial pressure, he wasn’t entirely sure whether they could approach the Ben Fund for help or if their situation was critical enough to qualify for support.

I felt quite isolated before but accessing new groups has increased my self-confidence and reduced my anxiety
I noticed online that the Ben Fund had developed a partnership with the National Autistic Society.
I knew about the Ben Fund and that it can offer financial support in crisis. I had also seen that they offer a range of online webinars and workshops on mental health and financial planning. Whilst scrolling through Twitter though, I noticed that the Ben Fund had developed a partnership with the National Autistic Society. The tweet caught my attention because I had recently been diagnosed with autism and was struggling to come to terms with what it meant and how it would affect me. I wanted to learn as much as I could and so I got in touch with the Ben Fund office.