Helping over 30,000 ICE members, former members and their families
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In February 1992, my late husband suffered 12 major heart attacks.
Months after he passed, I contacted the ICE to advise them of my husband’s death. With three young sons, and the sudden bereavement, my financial situation became difficult.

I had university exams that I couldn’t jeopardise with full-time work.
I found myself in a very difficult position as I was finishing university. Living expenses after moving to London cleaned my savings quickly before I was able to start my job.

I was aware of the Ben Fund but didn’t appreciate the level of support you cover
Our son faced a lengthy stay in a regional hospital after he was born. The hospital was 150 miles from home which meant taking some unpaid leave during this time.
It was a colleague that mentioned that I should get in touch to see whether there was any help the Ben Fund could offer us. Before making contact, I researched the website and was surprised at the level of support on offer, but I was convinced that you wouldn’t be able to help us.